I first heard about Bitcoin in 2012 but i didn’t “get it.” Terms like decentralized, distributed and disintermediatipiqued my interest, but I lacked the technical understanding to really understand what I was looking at. I started reading up a bit more in 2015. However, only after a deep dive over the last 1 year do I feel like I’ve even begun to wrap my head around it. A cryptocurrency is a form of payment which is similar to the currencies commonly used such as United States Dollar or the British Pound. However, unlike these currencies, cryptocurrencies are decentralized. There is no central government to print more of them out to cause inflation. In fact, cryptocurrencies have been formulated to gradually decrease in production as time goes by. Bitcoin, for instance will never have over 21 million coins in dissemination. WHAT IS TOKEN? A token is a representation of value, a sort of digital asset (dasset). The Ethereum developers decided to standardize this p...