
Does any of you remember the last year’s WannaCry ransomware attack? I bet you do! What if this could have been stopped, or at least its devastating effects diminished? You don’t have to imagine such a world for too long anymore, as there is a project that aims to make it real! Without trying to shill the project, I just have to say that it has such a vital usefulness not only for the crypto-sphere, but for the entire world, that I had to share it with you all!
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice!
If you have watched Marathon Man, you definitely remember when Dr. Szell is asking: “Is it safe?”. Well, if you will rely on Uncloak, the answer will be YES! Otherwise, given the current pace at which the virus and malware programs are created and are infecting the Internet, we’ll most probably say (paraphrasing another famous quote) that we have a feeling we’re not in the safe zone anymore!
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What is Uncloak, after all? According to their official site, it is a “Next Generation Cyber Security Threat Management”. What does this actually mean? Basically, it is a software platform that aims to provide businesses (and not only) with the ability to proactively defend against any potential threat, using AI for scanning the public and hidden Internet (Dark Web). The cyber threat detection is augmented by rewarding the so-called hunters (ethical/white hackers and penetration testers) with Uncloak tokens for detecting threats or vulnerabilities.
The team behind the project has several experts in cyber security, with a vast expertise in this field:
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They are backed by a team of experienced and reputable advisors, which will provide the team with valuable insights into the cyber security space:
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The roadmap is very promising, as the team plans to have a functional product by the end of 2018, which is not something you can see too often in the crypto-sphere…
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I want to believe that we are all here for the technology but, for those of you who are really interested in the token metrics of this project, here you have it:
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Having a hard cap of $21,000,000 and a presale bonus of up to 30%, this project looks really great from this perspective!
Anyway, I can’t emphasize enough the need for such solutions not only in the crypto-sphere, but also in the old economy, where companies are struggling to fight against so many cyber threats. If we could solve this issue, there is a huge amount of effort and resources that could be spared and redirected towards solving other problems or for creating a more prosperous world.
When I found this project, my first thought was: “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!”. You don’t have to trust me, just do your own research and you’ll easily understand the value of projects like Uncloak. When you finally see it, you can check the Uncloak Telegram Group for more details and for any questions that you may have!
It’s as simple as “Plastics!” :)
Author by: Ayin2206


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