BlocVehicle - You Can Share your Car with Around the World

Blocvehicle is an automobile P2P network platform based on blockchain
technology. This network service starts with the sharing of the entire history of my car with other people.
For example, I have bought a car, I took it to work, went on drives and went shopping with it. As time went by I changed my engine oil and replaced the tires with new ones. I also fixed the part that was damaged in a little fender-bender. I want to sell my car. How much would my car be worth? And another example: I have bought a used car, I took it on dates, went to see movies and went camping with it. Not long after parts of here and there started to break and the ignition would turn off frequently. The car even stopped in the middle of the road. Was I got scammed when I bought this used car? Did you buy a car?
If so, start recording all the information of your car right now just saving data of your car history on the blockchain. It can give you a guarantee of the value of your own car. When you sell the car later, if you have accumulated data, you can conduct fair and safe used car deals directly without the intervention of a dealer.

I went on a trip with my friends. I want to go to famous restaurants or shopping and visit tourist attractions. I want to rent a car but it is expensive and the rental process is complicated. Is there a convenient way to rent a car with lower cost? My car is usually in my garage during weekdays. This is because I usually do not use it other than on weekends. What would it be like if I could rent my car to people who need to drive? If your car idling in your garage seems like a waste it can be shared with others. It is good for the renter as they can create new income through car rental things and also it is good for the user renting the car as they can rent the car conveniently for a low price.
But then would it be disadvantageous to existing used car sales or car rental businesses? - Not at all. The information shared on Blocvehicle can be used by existing used car sales and car rental businesses through the vehicle length service. A customer who visits the website of an existing business can trust to search through the list of used cars for sale and cars for rent using the information and services connected to the Blocvehicle network. The more businesses participate - the more gains that participants
in the Blocvehicle network will enjoy.
To sum up, I'd like to say the project will create a more honest and profitable market for renting and selling cars than existing offers. Every car enthusiast will be able to find a car at a reasonable price anywhere and any time, and car owners can make money out of it. All will gain the upper hand. Blocvehicle is a project with excellent prospects and also rather interesting. I would advise to follow the news of this project.

For More Information : 

Author Bitcointalk Profile : Ayin2206

ETH Address : 0x6024Fb28D93C863D5a2Ea19e3906BFa475Ad2A43


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