Until now, we have only coded passwords for business, finance, and property. Other areas There are tremendous potential for developing Crypto calls and technologies that are very beneficial to our universe. Since 2008, the blockcraft's technological revolution has created significant technological changes that affect all aspects of humanity, including the adult entertainment industry. 
A new era of financial services has emerged in which technology changes have increased bit coins with the first decentralized decryption without central control or banking effects. Currency stability is caused by the fact that millions of computer consensus are connected to the network due to market forces and natural liquidity. VogoV decided to take advantage of these technological changes and limited competition in the open market to combine the adult entertainment industry with cryptocurrency to create a practical token ecosystem.

What is VOGOV?

VogoV is a distributed, interactive porn studio founded by Mark Dupree. VogoV is a Los Angeles-based adult entertainment studio that produces and distributes high-quality content with 4k and 60fps video, and  
VogoV develops OgoShift, an adult industry decryption infrastructure consisting of merchant accounts, currency wallets, markets and exchanges. OgoShift connects the four main segments of the entertainment industry, enabling the sale and purchase of cost-effective and timely mature goods and services

Vogue's vision

VogoV, with Cryptocurrency Adult-Integrated Industries, aims to transform the way people participate in adult entertainment "pornography" by introducing distributed pornography studios in Hollywood.VogoV aims to apply distributed block-chain philosophy to business models in a distributed, interactive, mature movie format. VogoV wants to contribute to the cryptocurrency space and mature community by developing a new payment infrastructure called OgoShift. OgoShift is tailor-made to meet the needs of adult entertainment businesses and customers.

How VogoV works

This project run for users who have signed up for a merchant account can place a payment button on their website. With a single click, customers can pay in their own encrypted currency. With some optional clicks, customers can register and access auto-generated wallets. This wallet offers customers a quick and easy way to buy cryptocurrency and pay with cryptocurrency. The easier it is for someone to make a purchase, the more likely they are to actually get a chance to buy

OGO Coins: Economic Tokens

When implementing OGO token development, we plan to develop our own block chain, but we decided to use the Ethereum block chain with the standard token ERC223 to issue tokens. Since the OGO coin is a token of ERC223, it can be stored in various encrypted wallets that support ERC223. This makes it easier to use and helps to be accepted by the cryptocurrency community.

Detail Token

All OGO coin tokens sold in VogoV and stored in the VogoV wallet are picked up to increase scarcity and keep the value of the OGO coin


The adult entertainment industry is not about private companies. It is also about the relationship between this company and its customers and fans. As the acquisition of OGO coins increases, a mutually beneficial  
relationship will evolve with industry representatives in exchange for marketing goods and services within the ecosystem. Token holders can enjoy using OGO coins as much as possible on the partner website. The token holder can use the OGO coin to pay the partner and is confident that the transaction will be safe and anonymous. In addition,  
the token holders can enjoy discounts and special offers promoted in partner organizations.



There are things that I can not publish yet.


VogoV plans to hold Token Sale to measure the willingness of the adult entertainment industry to move into the cryptocurrency space. It expands the adult entertainment industry into the cryptocurrency space, providing an adult entertainment industry and decryption, as well as addressing the anonymity problems users experience and helping users become more familiar with it. Content creation
If you want to participate, Ico can continue reading the full information linked below. 


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