Bitfxt (BXT) – Smart wallet project

What is BXT COIN ?

BITFXT is a company that innovates and develops Bitfxt Wallet electronic money security where you can keep all your Electronic Money Assets together. Wallet is linked to a personalized debit card that you can spend at any retailer intentionally accepting a debit card and also allows you to withdraw cash through an international ATM.
Bitfxt is creating a unified electronic wallet that allows consumers and sellers to easily trade off any blockchain assets in the form of currencies. To enable this feature, the product overview is as follows:
  • A unified electronic wallet for all kinds of electronic money
  • Create ecosystems that deal with different types of money
  • Registration card used in the transaction
  • Smart application for home business

The rapid change of the electronic money market as the rapidly growing amount of electronic money can be applied to a single purse guarantee. BITFXT becomes the wallet of choice for those who want to spend electronic money

What is the vision of the BITFXT project?

BITXT’s main goal is to provide a solution for ALL your electronic money collected in ONE wallet. But can spend everywhere.

Bitfxt Wallet is ready for download

  • Send and receive any amount, instantly anywhere in the world, at any time
  • BITFXT ecosystem offers the best comprehensive solution with valuable features for both consumers and sellers
  • Payment channel through the chain ensures that consumers can make payments with any electronic money in their wallet
  • Low cost for both consumers and sellers compared to traditional payment processors
BITFXT takes advantage of the power of smartphones and blockchain to deliver a compelling, secure and expandable consumer experience.


One of the pioneers in all ecommerce transactions, and cross-border digital transactions across the globe.


Adheres to the accessibility guidelines and is compatible with all modern web browsers. This system will apply the method highest industry security as well as compliance with the national security policy of the host.


Details about ICO BITFXT

Token: BXT
Public Sale: (Stage 1 to 4)
State 1: 1 ETH = 2500 BXT
State 2: 1 ETH = 2000 BXT
State 3: 1 ETH = 1500 BXT
State 4: 1 ETH = 1000 BXT

Address box copper

Minimum purchase = 0.1 ETH
Accepted payment: ETH, LTC & BTC
Total Supply: 20,000,000

Project reference information

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Author by: Ayin2206


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