Terawatt will create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), and also create a highly deflationary Ethereum based currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, Token Holders, and Energy Customers worldwide. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual/insurance fund to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses upgrading to L.E.D.s).
This is a major benefit to utility companies as they want 100 percent of their customers to have energy efficient lights due to progressive grid overload, which forces power companies to build (and maintain) expensive (Hundreds of millions of dollars) power plants to meet demand. They are also mandated by government agencies (i.e. US Department of Energy and US Environmental Protection Agency) to increase L.E.D. adoption in their respective markets. Businesses want L.E.D.s because they reduce electricity bills, increase light output, reduce maintenance costs, and qualify them for tax incentives. The upfront cost was the issue, but Terawatt will help overcome this.
Our Mission
We want to help aggressively drive LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting adoption by creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that will be funded and utilized by major utility companies and energy customers worldwide.
Our Goal
Leverage blockchain technology to help reduce global lighting electricity consumption 50 percent (roughly 2000 Terawatts) by 2035, while also increasing light output by 50 percent. Terawatt will also create a deflationary currency to compete with FIAT and digital alternatives like Bitcoin. Terawatt aims to tackle other renewable sectors like Solar, Wind, Electric Vehicles after proof of concept is achieved with L.E.D.s.
The Features
LED Token Utility
  1. LED Incentives
    Terawatt Token will act as a rewards system for each L.E.D. bulb purchase that's verified by our patent-pending process. This serves as an incentive for users to purchase LEDs for home, businesses, or government use and verify them through our interface
  2. Data Storage
    LED purchase records may be securely stored in the Terawatt ecosystem. This allows the purchasing entity to return at tax time and have all of their LED and other Energy Star Rated Purchase records readily available. The user pays a small token fee to access the records again.
  3. Community Based Governance
    Donated funds may be locked into a pool, and the global Terawatt community will vote/decide on what projects get funded and how much funding will be provided or set on the side for these projects.
  4. Masternodes
    We aim to have Masternodes when the Ethereum Blockchain allows for it. Masternodes will help to further secure and decentralize the Terawatt network.
Decentralized Autonomous Organization Funding
Token Contribution Charts
Token Utilization

  • Total Supply: 100 Million Tokens
  • Circulating Supply: 65 million
(supply will decrease exponentially in an s-curve fashion to as low as 1 million tokens over time)


Project Conception, Whitepaper drafted, Patent Filed
Dec 2017
Team Building- Acquired CTO, COO, and Advisor
Jan 2018
Whitepaper/Website, Trademark Granted, Listed on KICKICO
Feb 2018
Building Presence, Token Presale site under development
June 2018
Private Sale Launch, Development
July 2018
Sep 2018
Oct 2018
DAO construction begins, Exchange Listing(s), Hire more Devs
Nov 2018
Acquire key partnerships and meet with more Utility companies
Jan 2019
Mobile Wallet release, continue development
Feb 2019
Masternode and DAO testnet
Mar 2019
Fully Functional User Interface Released, DAO Mainnet Online
Apr 2019
Devcon and Acquire More Partnerships
May 2019
Receipt Verification/Tax Incentive Utility/LED Token Development
Jan 2020
Expansion of Terawatt’s LED Ecosystem into related sectors
Ok, Up here an explanation from me about the TeraWATT project and for more information about the ICO from the TeraWATT Project please visit the link I provided below:

Author by: Ayin2206


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