Honest Mining - company overview

The goal of the company HONEST MINING: to create a reliable and easy crypto-mining machine, accessible to everyone. HONEST MINING will achieve this by considering both the short-term and long-term effects of mining. Shortly after circulation of the token HONEST command launch platform HONEST MINING next generation of mining cryptocurrency cloud based Proof-of-Stake (PoS) . The platform is a highly automated and secure pool with minimal cost. Miners will be able to receive their rewards based on the distribution of masternod rewards without losing their pledge. HONEST TOKEN (HNST) will be used for the platform economy.
The world connects blockchain technology and cryptocurrency with decentralization.Cryptocurrencies are decentralized because the technology they are based on - blockchain - is based on blockchain validators , which check transactions in distributed registers around the world and ensure their security. Over the years, these blockchain validators have become known as blockchain miners and crypto miners.

HONEST MINING will seek to further grow the community of crypto-mining companies through the ALEXANDRIA project , a community-supported knowledge bank on crypto-mining industries.As a long-term project, HONEST MINING understands that this is not an easy mission. There are hundreds of active blockchain projects , each of which uses its own unique approach. At the same time, the team is confident that the current proposal is a step closer to achieving their complex goal.
The goal of HONEST MINING is to create an online platform through which everyone can easily join a master class and solve the problems outlined in the statement of the problem above.
The HONEST MINING platform is built using modern microservice architecture. This ensures continuous delivery and deployment of a large, complex application while improving defective isolation. This approach allows each team to be loosely coupled and focuses on improving their parts, without worrying about what others might break.

HONEST TOKEN (HNST) is a token that supports the HONEST MINING platform, the next generation cloud mining platform for POS- based cryptocurrencies . Users of the HONEST MINING platform will be able to pay for the HONEST MINING platform using either HNST TOKENS or rewards for bids received. Tokens HNST give holders the right to access tokens to use platform HONEST MINING and can only be used to pay platform fees HONEST MINING .Tokens HNST will not have any other rights or functions associated with them (such as the right of ownership or voting rights in HONEST MINING ), and will not be (and is not intended) a medium of exchange accepted by the public, or part of the public, as payment for goods or services or repayment of debt.
Tokens HNST will use technology blockchain Ethereum - the leading industry standard for intelligent token-based contracts. HNST will be generated using ERC-20 , ensuring that HNSTtokens can use the existing infrastructure: Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) . EVM provides a fair and verifiable delivery of tokens, ensuring that all HNST owners are aware of end-to-end delivery, distribution and transaction of tokens. In total, only 400 million HNST tokens will be generated , and half of the tokens will be allocated to ITS participants . The other half will ensure the continuity of the platform.
The team is raising funds to accelerate the development of the HONEST MINING platform . Like any other business, the future development and direction of development will be able to change the budget plan. This budget plan will be implemented after the completion of the sale of tokens and will be the starting point for the company. The funds raised will be used for a certain budget plan in the 1st quarter.
Project roadmap:

The project team:

Project contact information:
Website: https://honestmining.com/
Whitepaper: https://honestmining.com/hm_whitepaper.pdf
Bounty BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5090076
Twitter: https://twitter.com/honestmining
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/honestmining
Telegram: https://t.me/honestmining
Medium: https://medium.com/@honestmining
Author by: Ayin2206
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