
The main benefit for users is when you use your own platform coin (BIDM), you will only pay 0.1% of the cost, while using another - 1%. In addition, the seller can get 50% of the profits from the promotion, and the buyer - 30%. Sellers can sell the same product on different slots.
For secure storage of BIDM coins, autonomous wallets will be created. 
Every freelancer and employer will have their own rankings and according to reviews you will be able to understand whether you should work with this or that user. 
This platform removes centralized intermediaries and allows you to work directly with the seller. 
The platform not only offers currency exchange solutions, but also freelancers, easy-to-use interfaces, efficient and simple trading tools and 50% sales revenue.
Problems and solutions 
The problem with the platform is that there is no transparency in assessing bidding skills - some participants are either approved or rejected for no apparent reason. Bidium offers a solution to this problem through a decentralized platform, which will not only clarify this process but will also make the market more competitive. In addition, it will make transactions and provide information to users faster.
This platform allows you to work from anywhere in the world, while ensuring minimum cost and all the tools needed to work. You no longer need to find customers or sellers eagerly, Bidium provides access to potential customers or service providers from around the world, thereby providing revenue and security.
Ticker Details 
ICO BIDM : 05/25/2018 - 06/15/2018 
Cost: 0.02USD 
How to pay: BTC and ETH
In the first week of ICO, there is a chance to receive a 10% bonus, at the second - 5%, and if you decide to buy in the third week, you will get a bonus.
By using Bidium tokens, it is possible to make transactions, avoid intermediaries, participate in trading and interact with other users. Approximately 50% of revenues received from trading costs are usually allocated to all BIDM owners. You can redeem coins among platform users without commissions, and trade costs are only 0.5%, which can be reduced by 0.01%. You can keep the currency in a safe wallet. Bidium tries to stimulate the use of its currency and provides the most favorable conditions. 
Bidium is a platform that provides an opportunity to participate in trading, crypto currency exchange, looking for employers or freelancers. The main difference of this platform is the decentralized market structure, which consists of various technical tools. This means you can use the platform anywhere in the world. The idea of ​​making such a platform relevant for today, is still difficult to say whether it is possible to successfully implement the project, but you can say with certainty that the team is trying to do it. You can see the progress of the project on the Bidium website, where you can see demos and get acquainted with the roadmap in more detail.
Forward More Information:
Situs web: https: //
Whitepaper: https: //
Telegram: https: //

Author by: Ayin2206


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